This started as the yin to the yang that is my Unnecessary Ranking of DC/Marvel Supervillains; but really, I just want to compare the two most famous heroes: Superman and Batman. I have a personal preference in this case, however I will be completely impartial in this juxtaposition (or not). So in the battle of crime-fighters, who ya got?
There's no need for me to map out all the details for both of them as I did with Barack v. Baron. Everyone knows the backgrounds of both Batman and Superman; and if you don't, then why are you reading this in the first place? We know each of Superman's powers and Batman's gadgets, all of the main nemeses, and their real identities. On paper, Superman crushes Batman in based on abilities alone; so why do I feel the need to have this comparison? The reason is ecause there's a few flaws in the Man of Steel that would let fully human heroes such as Batman be able to be compared with him.
As previously stated, in physical tools, Superman is the overwhelming favorite; so why does my preference lie with The Dark Knight? That answer has many reasons, and once I plead the case for Bruce Wayne, hopefully it will persuade you to favor him as well...
Batman's Strengths: Batman has a huge edge over Superman in terms of their secret identities' lives. Clark Kent is a journalist, so he gets a few points there; but Bruce Wayne isn't just rich, he's wealthy. And in addition to rivaling The Donald's bank account, his swag is unparalleled among people--real or fiction. He isn't a jerk or arrogant, he's just...the man. Bruce possesses so much charisma that every woman, civilians and enemies (Catwoman), want him to explore their Bat-Caves. Yeah, Superman has the women fawning over him, too; but Clark Kent struggles to even get Lois Lane to notice him. Score one for the Bat...
Superman's Weaknesses: Kal-El's weaknesses extend beyond Kryptonite. In fact, Kryptonite is probably the most creative weakness of all the heroes. However, Superman's "style" has a few drawbacks in it. For instance, for someone that is an all-powerful being, Superman receives some of the most brutal beatdowns--real or fictional. Granted, he tends to deal with stronger foes; but Superman's powers give him advantages over almost all of them, yet he refuses to use them. I'm speaking specifically of his super speed. If he's, "faster than a speeding bullet," then why do weapons frequently hit him? The only way The Flash gets hit with anything is if they manage to slow him down somehow. Superman has been frequently shot while facing his opponent, so what's the deal? My belief is that because Superman was so awesomely created, he has to have struggles with what ends up being significantly weaker foes to add drama to the storyline. I apologize if I don't get it, but superheroes should show their dominance early. As the strongest in the universe, he sure gets whooped on a lot. I mean, Batman's human, and super-strong enemies have never wailed on him like he was some bully's lunchtime punching bag...
Intangibles: This brings me to another point: the enemies. As revealed in my supervillains list, I believe The Riddler is the best enemy ever drawn. Not because he has any abilities, but solely because he requires Batman to laterally think his way out of situations. Has Superman ever had to do this extremely difficult problem solving in order to save Metropolis? All of his enemies require him to pit his powers up against theirs, and after about three to four minutes of mindless attacking, Superman overwhelms the enemy and wins. Big whoop. I want my hero to be a genius, just in case Option A, B, and C are unavailable to him. Oh, did I mention Batman is rich upon rich upon rich?...
In conclusion, while Superman's logo looks way better, you can do more with his color scheme and costume, and should easily be the best hero ever placed in comic book panels, there are certain flaws that allow for Batman to claim the top spot. If I had done the unnecessary rankings, Superman would unquestionably be number two, ahead of famous heroes such as Spiderman, Iron Man, and Captain America. It's just that Batman's swag is undeniable and unrivaled, and Superman can't match wits with him. Maybe Clark Kent can advance his career and work for Wayne Enterprises, because Bruce is rich. However, if you agree or disagree, you can vote using the poll on this page. If you have a case for the Man of Steel, by all means leave it in the comment it can be debated and countered. To me, Superman should get his power and cape snatched.
When is it more expensive and cheaper?
4 months ago
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